•Round neck, short sleeve and regular fit silhouette
•With the white edge to make it more stylish
•It is design for women of most body shape
•You can match it with jeans, pants, shorts
•Relipop tops have different colors, size and designs
•Round neck, short sleeve and regular fit silhouette
•With the white edge to make it more stylish
•It is design for women of most body shape
•You can match it with jeans, pants, shorts
•Relipop tops have different colors, size and designs
What courier to use and shipping time
United Kingdom: CneExpress
7-12 business days
Germany: CneExpress
12-20 working days
United States: USPS
5-7 business days
Canada: CneExpress
12-20 business days
India: CneExpress
12-20 business days
New Zealand: E-NZ
21-28 business days
Australia: YunExpress
6-10 business days
(Once your product has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email, and shortly after you will be able to track your order on your carrier's website. Bank holidays and weekends will increase your delivery time).
Missing or Lost Package:
If the goods are lost in transit, a full refund will be given after we confirm. If the goods fail to arrive at the destination on time, the customer strongly requests a refund, and we will refund the customer in full.